The Antiques Almanac grew out of a need for quality
information about antiques collecting for beginning and intermediate
collectors. Antiques and collectibles dealers are also welcome to browse
the articles and such on this site, but the main purpose is to correctly
inform those who have just gotten bitten by the “antique bug.” Once
bitten by this pleasant creature, nothing—no bug repellent or 12-step
program—will prevent the antiques collector from collecting–and
collecting and collecting.
But antiques and collectibles don’t exist in a vacuum. They’re a part of
history, so this magazine contains articles on history as well. For it
is social history that explains why the antiques and collectibles
existed at all. What part did they play in people’s lives? How did they
connect the greater history to the history of people’s everyday lives?
The Antiques Almanac has five editions per year—Winter, Spring, Summer,
Fall, and Holiday. Each edition focuses on a theme—perhaps a style or an
historical period, perhaps a topic of interest. A new article appears in
each department, each related to the others.
No antiques or collectibles are sold on this Web site. Here, collectors
hungry for knowledge about antiquing will find quality content—feature
articles, tips, offbeat tidbits, book reviews, and more. It’s the goal
of Bob Brooke, antiques writer and editor of this site, to make The
Antiques Almanac one of the leading antiques magazines on the Web.
Please look around and come back often.
Learn more about publisher and editor
Bob Brooke.